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Jason Jones ICF-MN fills my bucket!! I look forward to the in person meetings to connect with my tribe of coaches and enjoy the way of being only coaches embody. It energizes me.
Bev Lutz ICF membership provides incredible professional networking opportunities, professional and personal growth, and opportunities to explore my strengths as I volunteer in service of my profession.  My chapter really helps me stay current with coaching, thought leadership, and learn-n-earn (CEU’s) from professional development events.  But it’s the supportive coach-friends and collaborators who have made membership for me priceless. //

Irene Kelly

Being a member of ICF offers me the opportunity for certification by the industry professional standard bearer; being a member of ICF Minnesota connects me to my professional peers for networking and collaboration.  Membership in both establishes me as “credible” and provides me opportunities to learn and grow.


Mary Kay Delvo  

Being a member of ICF-Minnesota helps me continue to bring my 'best self' to my clients.

Trish Perry ICF-MN gives me a place to authentically connect and share with other coaches. I have created long lasting friendships, collaborations and mentorships that have profoundly enriched my life and my business. //
Ann Marie Forshay ICF MN has provided me with crucial connections to other entrepreneurs and colleagues who share similar goals and challenges in their businesses. It's a welcoming place full of great ideas that have moved me forward both professionally and personally. //
Sara Krisher ICF Minnesota is the place to be if you're a coach or you're interested in the coaching profession. We come together to connect, grow and give because we are stronger together than we are apart. //
Lance Hazzard I chose to get involved with the ICF Minnesota Chapter to be part of a community of coaches who help our clients grow and achieve their goals. This organization brings great content to our coaching community and enables opportunities to learn and collaborate in multiple ways. //


Highlights: Midwest Coaches Conference 2022
By Amy Davis
Posted: 2022-10-29T13:41:41Z

Highlights: ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2022

Karen Failes-Coad, President-Elect, ICF MN

In September, several ICF Minnesota coaches spent several days in Milwaukee at the ICF Midwest Coaches Conference. It was a great conference, attended by approximately 250 coaches, mostly representing ICF chapters in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Kansas, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.

The conference featured three keynote speakers: Dr. Melissa Peet, LaTonya Wilkins and Dr. Damian Goldvarg.

Melissa Peet: Generative Coaching and Embodied Knowledge: Surfacing Hidden Resources for Change

As the founder of Generative Knowledge Institute, Dr. Peet discovered Generative Knowledge methods through her research, teaching, and assessment work at the University of Michigan. She uses these methods to facilitate change within people and organizations around the world. She emphasized the importance of embodied conversations and how to use these conversations in your coaching practice and explained the concepts of the psychologically traumatized body compared to the generative body.

LaTonya Wilkins: Coaching Below the Surface: Building Real (and Psychologically Safe) Relationships with Clients Who Are Different from You

Inspired by organizational culture research, social psychology, neuroscience, and the real-life experiences of culture LaTonya presented the way we think about traditional leadership to achieve truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures of belonging in the workplace. She highlighted the common mishaps of overcompensation, not allowing people to bring their entire self to the relationship and avoiding uncomfortable conversations. She introduced us to the REAL Leadership Model: Relatable, Equitable, Aware and Loyal.

Future Fit: How to Navigate Challenging Conversations

Dr.Goldvarg is the Past President of the International Coaching Federation and has decades of coaching and leadership development experience around the globe. His presentation focused on the future of coaching, considering the VUCA world we live in today and how coaching can evolve and grow to bring broader coaching skills to society.

There were also more than 20 options for breakout sessions. Offerings included:

Adaptive Coaching: Using Personality Type to Flex Your Coaching Style

One Coach's Journey: From Corporate to $1MM in One Year

Coaching in Analogies: A Powerful Way to Evoke Awareness

Group Coaching Supervision

Group Coaching at Work: Creating Custom Designs and Big Impact for Your Clients   

It was wonderful connecting with other coaches in real time, in person! It was a great opportunity to enhance our coaching skills and continue our coaching education.

The next Midwest Coaches Conference is scheduled to occur in 2024.

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