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Name Quote Picture
Jason Jones ICF-MN fills my bucket!! I look forward to the in person meetings to connect with my tribe of coaches and enjoy the way of being only coaches embody. It energizes me.
Bev Lutz ICF membership provides incredible professional networking opportunities, professional and personal growth, and opportunities to explore my strengths as I volunteer in service of my profession.  My chapter really helps me stay current with coaching, thought leadership, and learn-n-earn (CEU’s) from professional development events.  But it’s the supportive coach-friends and collaborators who have made membership for me priceless. //

Irene Kelly

Being a member of ICF offers me the opportunity for certification by the industry professional standard bearer; being a member of ICF Minnesota connects me to my professional peers for networking and collaboration.  Membership in both establishes me as “credible” and provides me opportunities to learn and grow.


Mary Kay Delvo  

Being a member of ICF-Minnesota helps me continue to bring my 'best self' to my clients.

Trish Perry ICF-MN gives me a place to authentically connect and share with other coaches. I have created long lasting friendships, collaborations and mentorships that have profoundly enriched my life and my business. //
Ann Marie Forshay ICF MN has provided me with crucial connections to other entrepreneurs and colleagues who share similar goals and challenges in their businesses. It's a welcoming place full of great ideas that have moved me forward both professionally and personally. //
Sara Krisher ICF Minnesota is the place to be if you're a coach or you're interested in the coaching profession. We come together to connect, grow and give because we are stronger together than we are apart. //
Lance Hazzard I chose to get involved with the ICF Minnesota Chapter to be part of a community of coaches who help our clients grow and achieve their goals. This organization brings great content to our coaching community and enables opportunities to learn and collaborate in multiple ways. //

HomeCatalyst Newsletter



July 2020

Be the premier organization for advancing the coaching profession.


To cultivate a multi-cultural community of coaches that advances the coaching profession through professional development, networking and adherence to ICF professional and ethical standards

Presidents Letter

Fear pic

Curiosity – How Do We Use It

So, over the last few months it has been one of many challenges and opportunities for growth and learnings about ourselves and others. As I pause and reflect the word curiosity came floating to the top. As coaches we are trained to use curiosity as a way of standing alongside our clients on their journey of discovering. Through the lens of curiosity, we can explore, the question “tell me more” which opens the conversation up and can lead to new learnings and understanding. Sometimes those conversations can place us in a difficult situation. So how can we turn those difficult situations into a gift. If we take the time to reflect on a difficult situation that we experienced in the past I wonder what we would find.

· Would we find that the difficult situation was a springboard to something amazing?

· Would we change our path to something totally different but something that uses our gifts and talents in a more powerful way?

· Would that difficult situation provide insight into something that was not even on your radar, something that never even crossed your mind?

We are in a time where we don’t know what we don’t know, a time where we need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. As we continue to travel down the path of uncomfortable during global change and transition on many levels it is important to remember to continue to be curious. What anchors you, what keeps you centered and aligned, what keeps you focused on what could be vs what is not. What if we looked at the difficult and challenging situations as a gift of new beginnings instead of loss? I believe that we will learn and reinvent our world as we know it one person at a time. Each of us have gifts to offer the world, something that we might think is no big deal when in fact it is. What will you do to turn those difficult situations into gifts? My hope for each of you is that you use your curiosity to learn and share those gifts, I know they will be amazing!

Take Care,

Deb Johnson

ICF Minnesota Chapter President


Update: Remainder of 2020 Events will be Virtual

Due to the current situation with COVID-19 and with safety in mind the ICF MN Board has voted to hold the remaining 2020 events virtually via zoom. The calendar on our website will be updated to reflect the change. In addition, there will be a change to the price for guests for our Speaker Series which will move from $40.00 to $25.00 and will be held from 6:00pm-8:00pm. The Coaching Connections will be free of charge. Registrations will follow the same process on our website.

Train tracks
ICF Minnesota would like to invite you to our
Treasures and Trash of Transition

Register Here!

Jean Davidson, Ed.D., PCC, CPCC, CNTC

When:Thursday, July 23, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: Webinar - Zoom

CEU's:1.5 Resource Competency
Change and transition are not the same things - a transition is the psychological, intellectual, behavioral adjustments made based on change. COVID-19 is a transition that we are all going through personally and professionally.

Please join Dr. Jean Davidson for an engaging session on how to navigate this transition we are in right now. Jean will share the three keys for moving through a transition with less frustration, more appreciation and more ease. Participants will be able to download Jean's e-book following the session to begin using some of the tools on their own transition. There will also be a Q& A session.
ICF MN Members who have paid the annual fee: free
ICF Global & MN Members (who have not paid annual fee) and non-members: $25.00
We look forward to seeing you there Virtually!!
Register Here for Upcoming Events!!

Chapter News

Meet our new members in June!!

Mark Fischer
Richard Webb
Susan Burbank


Div pic for email

EDI (Ethnic, Diversity, Inclusivity) Book Club/Workshops
Thursday, July 9, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Our first meeting will be to discuss:

· How we want to “be” as a book club

· What books would we like to read?

· How we want to discuss the books and what exercises we could do

· When we would like to meet

Shawn Moore and Trish Perry will facilitate the book club/workshops unless someone else is interested in leading this initiative. There will be no registration or fee, just join us virtually via zoom.

We hope we will see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 6649 1848

2021 ICF MN Board Opportunities!

Are you passionate about creating new opportunities for learning and connecting with fellow coaches?

Do you enjoy being involved and making an impact to the coaching profession?

Do you love being part of a community that, together, supports coaches?

If that sounds like you then we have a board position just for you.

We are searching for future board members for 2021. If you think you are interested and would like to learn more please contact either Cheryl Hegland at or Deb Johnson at

Curiosity Corner

We want to hear from you!
Answer the following question:
What will you CELEBRATE today?
Post your response on ourFacebook pageor send an email
We will share your answer at the ICF Minnesota event.

Covid-19 Corner

An Update on COVID-19 and Supporting Clients in a Time of Crisis
ICF is committed to providing our Members and Credential-holders with the support
and most current resources you need to care for yourself and meet the needs
of your clients during this tumultuous period.

We’ve created a COVID-19 landing page for the ICF community

Please visit this page for updates from organizations including theVisit the Resource Page.

ICF Global has established a resource page that provides several areas of support that include:


- World Health Organization updates

- Wellness and hygiene information

- Ideas for your own coaching practice

- Resources for supporting your clients

- Professional Development tools and videos

- Zoom support information

- Virtual event information

Meet the coach

Trish Perry headshot

Trish Perry

1. What brought you to coaching?

I was the consummate “corporate employee” for 20+ years and that is what I intended to do until retirement. Corporate included being a buyer at Limited Express, roles in leadership at Target for almost 20 years and a 3 year stint in leadership at a technology company.

And then life happened; I was laid off from Target with 1499 others. I landed a new job and 2 years later was diagnosed with breast cancer. Within 9 months I had a double mastectomy, my 91-year-old father had brain surgery and my sister died of malignant melanoma. I took 2 years “off” to care for my family. When I decided to go back to corporate, I thought, “I can’t go back without having “done anything” for 2 years. With the guidance from Judy Zimmer, I attended Learning Journeys to get my coaching certification. It was there that I also got my Mastery certification and realized that coaching was my calling! My corporate life gave me lots of experience to fulfill my next role as a coach and I am grateful for that.

2. Tell us about your coaching practice.(Niche, ideal client, etc.)Read more...

Creative Exchange

July 8th Creative Exchange lunch
Please join us as we share, create, explore
and laugh during the current situation.
Click here for the Zoom link!

ICF Global

New Digital Badges Launching for ICF Credential-holders!

Since awarding the first-ever ICF Credentials in 1998, ICF has been committed to acknowledging the professional achievements of coach practitioners and to supporting their success by offering globally recognized, validated credentials. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges across the globe, and we know that coaching is now more important than ever. For individuals seeking the support of a coach during these challenging times, being able to distinguish a skilled, professional coach is critical.

Even in these times, ICF is committed to holding and maintaining our high standards for coach credentialing.You may have seen some of your peers displaying their ICF Credential with a new digital badge on social media, in email signatures and on their website.ICF will soon offer all ICF Credential-holders with a new, easier-than-ever way to verify that they meet the global Gold Standard as an ICF Credentialed Coach through digital badges at the Associate Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach and Master Certified Coach levels. We are pleased to provide this new service to ICF Credential-holders through our official digital credential provider, Credly’sAcclaimplatform.

Beginning April 27, individuals with an active ICF Credential will receive an email fromadmin@youracclaim.cominforming them that they have a new badge to accept. There is no fee for this service and acceptance is totally up to the Credential-holder.

Extra Coaching Resources

“Did You Know”

Coaching WorldDigest

Here are a few of the exciting articles now trending inCoaching World:

Coaching Worldis a dynamic online resource for the coaching community.

We would love to hear from our members.
If you have something for the Catalyst.
Send an email to:


Narrative Coaching: The Power of Story Presented by: Jennie Antolak, MA, MCC President of Learning Journeys & Tirzah Lewis, Lead Facilitator at Learning Journeys
Offered: July 21, 2020 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Books LJ

Story is at the core of who we are as human beings. We create stories regarding our experiences to make sense and meaning of our worlds. The stories we tell ourselves and others either inform our happiness or solidify our suffering. These narratives become integral parts of our existence. We often cannot see how we are the contributors to our circumstances, not just the products of them.

By utilizing Narrative Coaching, we can begin to step out of our stories long enough to witness, how we authored, for what purposes, and where we might be ready to rework them. This empowering process helps us realize that we are never really in the wrong story; the story just isn't complete.

Please join us onJuly 21, 2020, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pmto learn more about Narrative Coaching and how story plays a leading role in assisting people in living their preferred narratives. During this session, you will be introduced to critical elements of Narrative Coaching. You will learn what occurs in the background when we try to create change and what it truly takes to step into a bigger story. The session will also give you a glimpse into Learning Journeys' Narrative Coaching certification and what the learning experience could mean to you and the clients you serve.

Narrative Coaching:The Power of Story

Presented by:Jennie Antolak, MCC President of Learning Journeys & Tirzah Lewis, Lead Facilitator Learning Journeys

Date/Time:July 21, 2020 @ 11:30-1:00 pm

LJ logo


Learning Journeys
ICF Minnesota
P.O. Box 19003
5500 Nicollet Ave
United States of America